Reverse Mortgage Problems + My 2Cents

I love my adult children. They are always trying to help me any way they can. And being divorced and mentally disabled, I am proud my children also am trying to help their mother.

I hate reverse mortgage companies, that do not care of the needs of others that originally are to have ownership of the property. The rightful ownership of the property was to be me, already decided by my parent’s will.

My parents have never been dishonest any time that I can ever remember.

Sunday, 3 March 2015. I have nothing really important to write today. I’m doing laundry, killing time. While doing laundry I am using my tablet, which has limited abilities, compared to a laptop. And wonder why didn’t I consider just purchase a small laptop of similar size. Social peer pressure I guess made me think a tablet was my wiser choice at the time.

My main comments are relative to the fact, in my opinion, Reverse Mortgage Companies operate unprofessional, and cause great problems. And being the original recipient of the home occurring to my parents will, Financial Freedom Reverse Mortgage company are snakes in the grass.

My medical condition was not even considered when my father decided to get a reverse mortgage. It wasn’t done when I was there (if I remember correctly). My parents promised me I will get the house according to the will. The rest of my parent’s will would go to my other two brothers.

The reverse mortgage company when asked more about the house refused to properly communicate with this, and stated the reverse mortgage over ruled the will as if there was no will ever existed. Not true in Florida. And I am filing a protest to State Attorney of Florida.

Both of my parents are deceased now. I am homeless now. I blame homelessness on the reverse mortgage and others, and the fact it wasn’t fair to a man who is disabled since age eighteen. Now at age fifty-five and homeless, life has become more difficult.

Living out of a backpack, because I am still homeless made me think a tablet was a good choice. I should have purchased a small Chrome laptop. It does the same type of function, and I find my laptop has limitations. That is my 2 cents of it all.

At the same that I write this, I’m wondering at what point will I no longer be homeless. Being homeless was not my choice. Being with a brain disability that occurred age 18; and my parents now deceased, their reverse mortgage made me homeless. There was no discussion of this reverse mortgage,mother than I suggested they did not get a reverse mortgage. For some reason my father wanted money. My guess it likely had to do with my brother’s always needed money for their needs. I always tried to make a wage and earned my own money instead of begging from mom and dad as my two brothers did.

The bad thing is that in the event my parents died, my parents assured me the home was to be willed to me. They told me this was done to assure I had a place to live and to make sure my needs and insurance costs for doctor visits and such were in place. The will was written years ago. I do not know for sure but it would not surprise me that my older brother was involved with any change that occurred with then will of my deceased parents.

At present I am trying to find more facts than create theories. And that is a problem because I have permanent brain damage since age eighteen. Now age 55, and homeless for about seven years because of this problem, I have criminal charges because there was no help from anyone in Bay County Florida. It’s a shame.

I greatly am disappointed of my relatives and disappointed of the lack of help. I get help now from my adult children. But I’m disgusted by the lack of care of people of Bay County Fla. And I want to blame churches for being uncaring but won’t. It was never the churches fault.

But I will never consider local law enforcement and the judicial system of Bay County Fla. as “educated professionals”. That statement itself to local officials has made me realize there are a class of haters. Haters that at still at times give me a hard time “because” I am homeless, and/or because I had been arrested and charged with criminal charges.

No one even considered my side of this, past or what caused me homeless. Nor do they care if I am homeless of what caused me to become homeless. And to worsen my reputation, a police officer actually accused me of having AIDS. He stated it openly where everyone heard him outside of front doors of a retail store.

I don’t have AIDS as it requires some sexual contact or drug use. This is defaming me in public and also is an example of what people can expect from unprofessional law enforcement in Bay County Fla.. I have NEVER been queer, gay, deviate, ect. and have been celibate since 1999. I was married thirty-two years to same woman. I do not do drugs and I don’t drink alcohol. And I have no idea why the police officer started this vicious rumor. But I do NOT appreciate the accusation and defamation.

There is a big difference between having AIDS and being starved to death. I stated this to the officer. I also stated I would rather die of starvation than steal for food. WalMart 23rd Street Panama City Florida can kiss my grits. I never have and never will steal. My 2 cents is that Bay County Fla. is a land of barbarians. At present, a Bay County jail has stated I can’t trade with any WalMart in Bay County Florida. I was treaspassed. So I am having someone check the laws, from and by Washington DC. The lawyer did not state how long the ban from WalMart is in months or years. My public defender couldn’t answer my question of that either.

If you ever become homeless in Bay County Floridan do not hang around with other homeless people if possible. There are several persons who call homelessness and panhandling (beg for money) their career. They will steal from you, and when they are questioned of criminal activities they will blame you in hopes they will escape the fact thwy committed the crime. Many people who are homeless that I have met, will even try to “con” you out anything.

Being brain-damaged since age eighteen, I am used to being a “scape goat” because it is convenient for cowards to blame innocent people, especially when they think you are retarded, and or are gullible as I have been.

I was born and raised to trust people. Some of the “professional homeless” people are as human leech. Then will treat you as buddy, so they can learn more of you to see what they can get from you for their own benefit. And I have learned that if you help police, and it gets another person in trouble, you will become stalked. I have learned that SOME homeless people always want to get even if they get in trouble with law enforcement. And the same type of homeless persons will lie to police to get anyone else in trouble. That type of person will commit the crime and accuse someone else.

I have a false charge of writing a bag check, to a criminal. I never did write a check to anyone, my luggage was stolen from me before I could even write the first check. And I notified the bank my account information and checks ect was stolen, and yet I was charged of a crime I did not commit. Bay county law enforcement is corrupt and so is the judicial system. If you are homeless, you are guilty by association instantly in Bay County Florida.

Not all homeless people are criminals either. But I will state that once one becomes homeless in Bay County Florida, you will be scrutinised and your pleas for help from local police is useless. Police openly express their disgust of the homeless. I never was considered a criminal until I was forced to be homeless, caused by others. I didn’t commit a crime either to become homeless. Bay County Florida has been my permanent address since 1964.

Bay County Florida is becoming more financially depressed. Part of what causes the financial hardship of the county is the lack of real leadership that is aware of what is happening within the county. And homeless people are a good source of what is happening that is causing the decline of Bay County Florida. They aren’t always accurate of their findings and can be biased. However, homeless people often see more what is happening from being street people, than the political system that thinks they know the solutions for a declining tourist town, military town, retirement home and college town.

Never assume the public defender attorney is in full scope of your situation , or your circumstances medically. None of past public attorney even discussed my case with me, prior to court. There is never real explanation of your case as you imagine as shown on TV Shows. That all is poo. And each time I was arrested my rights were violated. They hold you in jail and your rights are never explained to you, until you day of court just was you enter court via TV to TV. You go to court while in jail by way of television as one can imagine using Skype to conduct court. Just before you go to the first hearing, a bailiff tells you your rights. You rights have already been violated according to the law written of your constitutional and legal rights.

You are always stuck in jail with some guy that wants to know all about you, so he can tell someone else so he can hope for a lessor charge. The federal law and constitution guarantees your rights. Bay County Florida twists the law. I call this area Entrapment City. It may not be correct term, and I am bitter of what has happened to me and other’s cases. I don’t have the solution. But am trying to learn more so those that abuse the law so they can get promoted will get a good dose of karma.

I wonder who the engineer of this corrupt system is because you get “railroaded” in Bay County Fla. Court system. That’s my 2 cents of that as well, but it isn’t the last of it either. I plan to fight this all aforementioned, until  age 100; if required, to reverse all the wrongs done to me by others.

My adult children are also trying to help me correct all the damage done to me. And I do not even think of asking support from my ex-wife. She is fighting cancer I was told and she has other health problems. I don’t do well with stress because of my head injury.

Marriage may be another issue I will write about next time. I’m still unhappy because of my ex-wife actions in the past, and don’t want to write about our marriage really. No one really wants to hear that type of blog anyway.

My greatest benefit of my marriage are our two adult children. They really do care about their mother’s and father. Thank God!

God sees everything so I feel confident some how things of my life will improve. I wish any reader of this a great week and I hope God blesses you.


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